Wednesday, 7 September 2011

How to use Friendly game simplifier

Go to and click on download.  click on your respective download (either firefox or chrome) personally I recommend chrome.

when you download it install it by double clicking it (it will install automatically when clicked)

When installed you will see this icon:-

Google chrome:-


Initially you wont have any bonuses so ignore the red number for now.  Just click the icon and it will say open gift list and panic button (ignore the panic buttton), choose open gift list and you will see the following:-

Click to enlarge it

just select any of the games you play by ticking the for example "Enable pioneer trail" box.

when you click that it will move up to the blank area where you have more options for the game, I recommend the following:-

The selections should be the SAME for each game you choose

When you have finished select the game you want to start collecting bonuses for by clicking the icon at the top like so:-

1:- click each bonus for the ones you require
2:- If you want you can receive ALL bonuses (not recommended as you have a daily limit on bonuses)
3:- Choose what you want to check (only use bonuses and gifts, the other options aren't really useful, but feel free to explore you can't mess anything up)

If you have successfully received the gift the box of the gift will turn into a tick if it had run out it turns into a red circle with a line in it (like the prohibited signs you see in real life)

don't forget your daily allowances from the specific game as they vary so don't go mad a get all the bonuses only the ones you need or you will quickly run out of daily bonuses.

Like in Facebook normally, if you have run out of bonuses and you still accept the gift the respective person will still get the bonus even if you don't

This is the gifts tab:-
1:- Choose to receive all the gifts and all gifts in section 2 will be received.  DON'T choose any other option as you wont get the gift
If you have selected the right box as I set-up before all people sending you gifts will get the SAME gift back as they sent you.  So say I sent you a moose in the pioneer trail if you received the gift via here I will get a moose back.

the same rules apply for every other game except where it says cannot send gift back (e.g. bingo blitz) you will have to manually send gifts back to the people you wish to.

When finished just go to your game as normal and see your accepted gifts or bonuses.

Any questions feel free to ask me.

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