Friday, 7 October 2011

ghost town coming...

Howdy everyone!

As you may have heard, Ghost Town is coming and we're extremely excited to be unveiling it for everyone in the very near future. We know that everyone just absolutely loved our Halloween last year and we really want to do one better, and Ghost Town is just the start of it. There's plenty more tricks (and treats!) to come.

Ghost Town is a spooky experience. You'll be able to travel to it easily via the Travel button (you might have noticed that the travel map has changed recently), but it's a single map experience (unlike the maps of the Pioneer Trail) and you'll be able to travel back and forth between the three areas without any problem. Here's a look at the game map:

Aside from the eerie environment, you'll notice a few other differences. Your three crew members (separate from PT crew members, so you'll need to hire a new crew) have different titles but somewhat similar roles. However, you don't have to worry about having to do a particular action with that crew member anymore--the game automatically chooses which crew member to use depending on your action. So if you're doing normal actions, your main character will do them, but if you're tending to some Cursed Corn (which freak me out, honestly), you'll always be using your Mad Scientist. You can move each of the crew members and your main character normally. This way you'll be able to always use the correct crew member and never have to worry if you're using the right one for the job (note that for Pioneer Trail the old way will still remain).

Ghost Town also uses a new energy system, Gumptions, but you'll have a bit more to start off with than PT did and you'll be able to do a lot more starting off with. There are also 3 new resources to collect: Spirits, Hides and Potions.

Here's a visual guide so you can see all you need to know about crew members, what they tend and what you can get from them (click on any to get a bigger version):

You'll also be able to use the collected Charms to buy goodies for your homestead and more.

So get ready! Ghost Town is coming soon!

We do plan on having some fixes very soon (probably with the GT update) for a couple of issues that has been plaguing players, including:
  • The "bear ate my stuff" message people have been receiving for gifting and re-gifting, especially around Melons.
  • The vanished Mastery Gardens. This seems to be limited to those of you who had the missing buildings issue; it looks like unfinished Mastery Gardens could have been placed or moved onto squares where the buildings had vanished, so when they came back they are sitting in the same space as the old buildings. What you'll need to do (after the update) is just buy another one from the store and place it somewhere else (we'll let anyone be able to get more than one after the update).

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