Wednesday, 16 November 2011


  • You must be level 18+ to receive this mission set.


Whenever you receive the popup below, click "Help Bess" to get started (if you aren't quite ready, select "Maybe Later" so you can start it at another time.)

Make sure you have the Shaman Lodge completed first in order to continue with this mission set. If it isn't completed, you'll get the following message.

You will then go to the following cut scene.

Meet Thunder Moon!

Time to start the missions. Seen below are the two main missions, followed by three repeatable missions (the three repeatable missions will help you "Complete 4 Wikiwah Respect Missions" for the Earn Your Feathersmission.)

Running To Dad
Have A Shaman Lodge
Harvest 30 Flax On Your Homestead
Collect 10 Kippy's Belts
Reward: 300XP, 500 Coins, 1 Holstein Cow
Earn Your Feathers
View Respect Meter
Complete 4 Wikiwah Respect Missions
Tend A Spirit Eagle On Your Homestead (Get One By Earning 500 Wikiwah Respect)
Reward: 1000XP, 1000 Coins, 4 Spirit Vision Mystery Boxes
When you click "View Respect Meter", you will receive the following popup:

You will have 3 repeatable missions that you can complete to earn respect points. Clicking "How It Works" will provide more information.

Clicking on Thunder Moon (now by Little Crow's hideout) will give you the following prompt to access the respect meter at a later time if you'd like.

The repeatable missions are:

Tame The Wild Frontier
Find & Heal An Injured Otter
Tend 20 Adult Moose On Your Homestead
Tend 20 Adult Sheep On Neighbors' Homestead
Reward: 300XP, 25 Tribal Respect, 600 Coins
Clicking the "Find Otter" button beside the first requirement will make an otter appear but tending debris will also spawn one.

Otters will be storable in the animal hospital as well.

Respect The Tribe
Make An Offering In The Shaman Lodge
Harvest 40 Peas On Your Homestead
Harvest 30 Apricot Trees On Your Homestead
Reward: 600XP, 75 Tribal Respect, 1 Spirit Vision Mystery Box
Once you click "Prepare" to make an offering, you will receive the following popup showing you what you need for the offering.

Living Off The Land
Craft 2 Native Moccasins
Clear 10 Rocks On Your Homestead
Clear 15 Stumps On Your Homestead
Reward: 125 Tribal Respect, 900XP, 2 Spirit Vision Mystery Boxes
Clicking "Craft" to make the native moccasins will bring you to the crafting workbench to make them.

Once you have finished all the missions, Thunder Moon speaks to Bess.

You will then go to a final cut screen between Thunder Moon & Bess.

The new crop mentioned above (White Sage) will appear in the market for 370 coins.

You can also purchase a spirit eagle in the market 

Time to head off to your homestead & get started!

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