Howdy Pardners!
• Gates at Level 24
• Gates at Level 24
• New Free Gift - Strapple
•New Market Items
•New Collection
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Harvest 20 Basic Stills for some supplies!
Harvest 25 Blue Corn to figure out why it's blue!
Place the Science Fair Booth to claim the Science Fair's spot at the Country Fair!
Rewards: 3 Greeb Essence Labs, 3 Strapple, Green Lightning
Harvest 18 Strapple Plants to see what science has crEated!
Come up with 4 Theories by tending Scientific Hypotheses or Brilliant Revelations!
Start setting up the Science Fair Booth to be ready for the Country Fair!
Rewards: Future Contraption, Brilliant Revelation, Grapefruit Tree
Fully tending a Scientific Hypothesis or Brilliant Revelation will always yield one of three Theories!
Booth Stands: Displays the Science Fair projects! Usually drops when harvesting plaintains on yer homestead.
They're in the Market and Free Gifts Page!
Booth Posts: Holds the roof up! Usually drops when choppin' Oak Trees on yer homestead. They're in the Market!
Harvest 15 Gapefruit Trees. They're actually hybrids of two other fruits!
Experiment on 12 Theories with the Nature, Electrical or Explosive Experiments!
Help Stafford and your child set up their Science Fair Exhibit.
Rewards: 3 Cattle Power, Electrical Experiment, Caretaker Boost
Click on Nature, Electrical, or Explosive Experiments to use 'em! You need Theories first, though!
Exotic Feed: Juicy and delicious. Occasionally drops when harvesting Pineapple on yer homestead. They're in the Market.
Reptile Bedding: Just what a desert reptile needs! Usually drops when harvesting Foxglove on yer homestead. It's in the Market and Free Gifts Page!
Meshed Wire: We need to keep those exotic critters in! Occasionally drops when tending Chickens on yer homestead.
They're in the Market.
Display Plaques: Shows information to folks that can read, and is good mirror for those that can't!
Usually drops from Brass Forges. They're Free Gifts!
Fully Tend 20 Volunteer Guinea Pigs to help test some of our inventions.
Get 6 Successful Results. (Both Successful and Unexpected Results can come from your Experiments)
Learn a bit more from Doc about properly conducting unbridled scientific experimentation.
Rewards: Aged Salmon, 4 Cattle Power, Dark Tarantula
Click on Nature, Electrical, or Explosive Experiments to test them. They're in the Market!
Tin Legs: We'll need plenty of these to get our walker movin'! Occasionally drops when harvesting Tin Forges on yer homestead.
They're in the Market.
Large Gears: These interlocking parts should work beautifully for our walker. Usually drops when harvesting Recycle Bins.
They're in the Market and Free Gifts Page.
Blockade Ropes: Stops folk from touchin' yer inventions with their greasy mitts!
Often drops from Adult Standard Llamas. They're in the Market.
Zinc Disc: As the Zinc corrodes, it can let off some energy, which we can harness! they're Free Gifts!
Harvest 50 more Strapple Crops to learn about two things workin' together!
Publish 18 Unexpected results using the Publishing Machine. There's no such thing as failed results in Science!
Help Doc and Stafford work together to show these kids what Science REALLY is.
Rewards: Brilliant Revelation, Telsa Coil, 50 Gold Dust
Click on Publishing Machines to Publish Unexpected Results. They're on the Free Gifts Page!
Scrounged Parts: Let's see if we can find some of the old parts from our previous projects before the roof came down!
Usually drops when harvesting Iron Forges. They're Free Gifts!
Salvaged Legs: We can salvage some of the broken legs from Doc and the Twin's contraption!
Usually drops when clearin' Cactus on yer homestead.
Lots of Paper Clips: We'll need quite a few to organize Doc and Stafford's scatterbrained work!
Usually drops from Purple Essence Labs. They're Free Gifts!
Fully test a Nature Experiment 15 Times to try to make some new crop types!
Fully test an Electrical Experiment 15 Times to build on the works of Benjamin Franklin!
Fully test an Explosive Experiemnt 15 Times to learn about things that go Boom!
Rewards: 3 Fertile Ash Boost, Double Spirit Tree Rewards, Beef Jerky
Click on Explosive Experiments to test out your Explosive Theories. They're Free Gifts!
Monday Wrapper
Tend 5000 Cows, Pigs, Goats, or Sheep to learn more about them.
Harvest 20 Green Essence Labs to get some important scientific components.
Craft 16 Test Kits to test some of the local farm animals.
Rewards: Lisa Shpig, Gemma Goaw, 10 Horseshoes
Click on these animals to tend them. Remember your Free-range animals count 4 times!
Hair Sample: Hair from all of the Frontier Animal. usually drops when harvesting Horsetail on yer homestead.
It's in the Market and Free Gifts Page.
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