Saturday, 7 June 2014

4th year Anniversary

4th Year Anniversary

Main Quest

Q1:Frontier Luau?


Clear 12 debries on any HomesteadTend
20 pigs tocomfort them
Place the Frontier Luau

Reward: 2 Red Pineapples, 2 Coal Piles, 2 Foot Wraps

Clickon any Debris to Clear it. Debris is available in theMarket.

CLickon Adult Standard Pigs to tend them. They're available in theMarket.

Clickthe Place Button to Place the Frontier Luau.

Q2:Natures Oven


harvest25 Red Pineapples(You got two from the previous quest)
Climb theRipe Coconut Tree eight times
Help Prepare the FrontierLuau

Reward: 2Festive Cinnamons, 2 deep Frying Woks, 2 BalancedShafts

Clickon Red Pineapples to harvest 'em. They're available in the Market andthe Free Gifts Page.

UseCoco**** Climbers to climb Ripe Coco**** Trees. They can be found inthe Market.

Clickthe Prep Button to get going on the FrontierLuau

KaluaStones: Used to keep the food at a steady temp. Usually Drops whileClearing Rock Debries on your homestead. Rock Debris can be found inthe Market and Randomly appear on your homestead

LuauaCoals: A perfect smokey flovor for the Luau food. Usually drops whileharvesting Coal Piles on your Homestead. Coal Piles can be found inthe Market and Free Gifts Page.

Q3:Luau Libarations


Practiceat the Spear Target 16 times
Harvest 40 Festive Cinnamons(You gottwo from the previous quest)
Build up the Frontier Luau

Rewards:Tuxedo Pig, 2 Pink Lilies, 2 FiddleheadFerns

UseContest Spear at the Spear Target. They can be found in theMarket.

Clickon Festive Cinnamon to harvest them! They're available in the Marketand Free Gifts Page..

Clickthe Build Button to see what is needed.

GreenOlives: A festive fruit for food and drinks. Occasionally drops whileharvesting Basic Stills on your homestead. Basic Stills can be foundin Market.

CrazyStraw: It's just so crazy to watch the liquird swirl into your mouth.Usually drops while harvesting Compost Piles on your homestead.Compost Piles can be found in the Market and Freegifts.

Q4:Leis the Way


Tend15 Tuxedo Pigs.
Craft 10 Luau Leis
Build up the FrontierLuau

Rewards: 2Red Pineapples Green Tiki, GrassSkirt

Clickon Tuxedo Pigs to Tend them. You just got one from a previous quest.They are in the Market"!

ChipBowl: It isn't a party without a Chip Bowl. Occasionally drops whileharvesting potatoes on your homestead. Potatoes can be found in theMarket.

PotatoCHips: A super food for a super celebration! Usually drops whileharvesting Deep Frying Woks on your homestead. Deep Frying Woks canbe found in the Market and Free Gifts Page..

Clickthe Build Button to see what is needed.

CraftLuau Leis to make everyone feel welcome. Click the Craft Button tosee what's needed.

Q4:Leis the Way


FullyPractice at the Spear Target six times
Harvest 60 Pineapples(Yougot two from the previous quest)
Finish Building Luau andCelebrate

Rewards: SixshooterBoost, Pink Tiki, Hawaiian Shirt

UseContest Spear on the Spear Target to win. Contest Spear are found inMarket.

ClickRed Pineapples to harvest 'em. They're available in the Market andFree Gifts Page.

Clickthe Build Button to see what is needed.

ServingShovel: Helps serve large amount of Luau food. Usually Drops whileharvesting Iron Forges on your homestead. Iron forges can be found inthe Market and Free Gifts Page.

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